The Five15Arts Collective presents "The Desert Within," an exploration of the intricate relationship between humanity and the desert. Through diverse mediums, this twelve-member collective delves into the profound and often overlooked beauty of desert ecosystems. Each artist brings a unique perspective and connection with this magnificent landscape, highlighting the delicate balance between human existence and the desert's irrepressible flora and fauna.
The artworks presented in this exhibition address critical themes such as sustainability, the metaphorical significance of desert life, and the natural wonders that define the desert's character. They challenge us to reflect on our environmental impact and inspire a commitment to preserving the desert's beauty, aligning with the museum's mission of promoting conservation and raising awareness about the desert's biodiversity.
Welcome to the Desert Within- Five15Arts Collective Shop.
Please note that shipping is priced separately after purchase. If you need an item shipped, we will call you after the close of the show on February 23, 2025 to collect payment and confirm the mailing address.
Thank you so much for your support of the Art Institute!
The scene at the opening reception at the Ironwood Gallery, Friday, January 10, 2025